
Friday 6 January 2012

Putra Kim Jong-il Menulis Puisi

Putra Kim Jong-il Menulis Puisi
Besar Kecil Normal
TEMPO.CO , Jakarta - Kim Jong-chol, yang diperkirakan berusia 30 tahun, salah seorang anak mendiang pemimpin Korea Utara Kim Jong-il, ternyata pernah menulis puisi yang mendambakan dunia tanpa nuklir. Kabar yang beredar, Jong-chol memiliki karakter yang "lembut", fan berat Eric Clapton, dan dianggap jauh dari sosok kejam dibandingkan ayahnya.

BuzzFeed menemukan jejak puisi Jong-chol ini, yang diperkirakan ditulis saat ia masih di bangku sekolah antara tingkat enam atau tujuh. Puisi yang berjudul "Dunia Impianku" itu ditulis dengan nama samaran Chol Pak. Jong-chol menggambarkan kerinduannya mengenai sebuah dunia tanpa senjata, bom atom, dan narkoba.

Inilah puisi yang ditulisnya:

If I had my ideal world I would not allow weapons and atom bombs any more.
I would destroy all terrorists with the Hollywood star Jean-Claude van Damme.
I would make people stop taking drugs.
I would even destroy the word “DRUG” to make people forget about it.
I would make everybody get good jobs.
Everybody would be happy: no more war, no more dying, no more crying.
Then I would make a rule (Do not believe in God.) God doesn’t help and there is no God.
I would make people believe in themselves, and they would work hard for their happiness and success waiting in their future.
I would make the whole world use only one language, which would be Korean, and I would make all people have the same amount of money: no rich people, no poor people.


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